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[ga] RE: [ecdiscuss] DNS independence

Dear John,
I thank you for your response which clarifies a total misunderstanding.

I quoted a private and very serious letter for a reason you will most 
probably support. I did not realize that out of its context one could read 
the line that wrong. I do apologize for this.

At 05:56 13/04/02, John C Klensin wrote:
>Since I have some claim on knowing the situation firsthand, let me 
>reinforce Marilyn's point, and use clearer language.  Your description of 
>the handoff falls somewhere on the scale between "silly" and 
>"offensive".  It is also, independent of your or anyone else's opinions, false.

Obviously true: this is the whole point.

>As Marilyn says, IAB members, and _especially_ the chair, function as 
>individual experts, independent of the strategies and policies of their 
>companies.  When I was chair, what I brought to the IAB was whatever 
>technical judgement I had on the subjects at hand.


BTW, John, I want to take advantage from this misunderstanding which will 
probably make some reading, to publish my respect to your Chairmanship. We 
do not necessarily agree on everything, but I certainly admire the way you 
have known to introduce innovative thinking as a Chair and I thank you for 
that. As you know I certainly look forwards continuing keeping in touch on 
these issues.


What you say about ATT and Leslie *is* the basis of the point. The point is 
that ATT played it low key and Versign not. This is the important 
information everyone can read and have an opinion on.

Everyone will fully accept that and you cannot be elected without the IAB 
members first making sure "you/she would have the necessary resources and 
backing to do the job" and that the company paying for that should get some 
return. "ATT steps down" was only retained to acknowledge ATT's support and 
style (I had to carry a Copernic search to know who you worked for).

Now, read the Verisign PR: 
http://corporate.verisign.com/news/2002/pr_20020402.html !

VeriSign's Leslie Daigle Named Chair of the Internet Architecture Board

Mountain View, CA, April 2, 2002—VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the leading 
provider of digital trust services, announced today that Leslie Daigle, 
Director of Directory Research at VeriSign, was selected as the Internet 
Engineering Task Force's (IETF) Chair of the Internet Architecture Board 


I do not feel that this wording fits what you and me, and I suppose most, 
agree upon about the independence of the job. I know PRs are pretty 
standard forms, so the title makes it all.

Jefsey Morfin

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