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[ga] Re: [GTLD Registries List] Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge


Have you studied any of the history of the last I* society fiasco, called the IAHC ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Henderson" <richardhenderson@ntlworld.com>
To: "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman@neustar.us>; "vint cerf" <vinton.g.cerf@wcom.com>; "Legal-NeuLevel" <Legal@neulevel.biz>
Cc: <halloran@icann.org>; <jeff@air-speed.com>; <jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com>; <DEvans@doc.gov>; <ksmith@ntia.doc.gov>;
<krose@ntia.doc.gov>; "Karl Auerbach" <karl@cavebear.com>; "Jefsey Morfin" <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>; <lsuzukamo@pioneerpress.com>;
<gtld@gtldregistries.org>; <ga@dnso.org>; <council@dnso.org>; <jarcher@registrationtek.com>; <aspaces@powerup.com.au>;
<sotiris@hermesnetwork.com>; <conno001@maroon.tc.umn.edu>; <lynn@icann.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 7:20 PM
Subject: [GTLD Registries List] Re: Open Letter to Mr Jeff Neuman from The Internet Challenge

> Dear Jeff and Vint
> I'd like to ask your advice on ICANN and Neulevel's policy with regard to
> Registrars applying for names (particularly in queued Landrush situations)
> on their own behalf. As you know, I have already alluded to concerns I had
> over Signature Domains, and I look forward to some kind of response - to the
> principles, if not to the personal details, of this case.
> I'd also like to draw to your attention - without making any allegations -
> the case of 007names. In the recent .biz Group 2B names release, 465 names
> were registered through them, with over half (258) going to their client
> Vitty Inc.
> These names were issued to Paul Chou, e-mail address domain@Vitty.com . In
> the "About" section of Vitty.com there is more information about Mr Chou. It
> notes that he founded a company called Webex.net (a registrar, parent
> company of sinonet.com, no reference to vitty.com) with his wife, Joyce Lin.
> Further whois searches found that the Admin, Billing and Tech Contacts for
> 007names.com is Joyce Lin of Bridgewater, NJ. 007names.com is hosted by
> (surprise) webex.net on the same server as vitty.com.  Webex.net of
> Bridgewater, NJ comes up as non-existent in the WHOIS server release 1.0,
> but in version 1.3 they show that 007Names, Inc. is their registrar.
> My questions are these: are registrars allowed to apply for names in
> landrush situations through their own Registrar company? Are the families of
> Registrars allowed to apply for - say - the majority of names submitted in a
> queue? Do a husband and wife constitute a single entity? Does a Registrar
> have the right to exploit the advantage of their own position to dominate a
> queue, in a way which might disadvantage many other people?
> I'm not making a personal observation on the actions of Vitty Inc or
> 007names. I'm curious about the facts behind their dealings. But my approach
> to you is in order to get clarification of the rules (which obviously impact
> on other consumers). I would also respectfully ask you to investigate this
> specific case if you feel that any rules have been broken and your other
> customers have been disadvantaged in breach of any agreements.
> If no rules have been broken, then probably no personal criticism is
> appropriate, but in that scenario I would call into question the processes
> that have been set up between ICANN, the Registry and its registrars, as
> there seem to me to be inadequate safeguards for the majority of ordinary
> customers, and too much scope for what I would describe as "insider dealing"
> in the distribution of what should be made publicly available to everybody
> on fair and level terms.
> Many thanks for your attention.
> Richard Henderson
> ---------
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