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Re: [ga] Watching the voting registry

The discussion about calls to register votes seems to me to go nowhere for
two reasons:

1. I sense a different attitude to this on both sides of the Atlantic
Ocean, caused by the ways in which voting registries for national
elections work (as far as I know) in the US and Europe. In the US one has
to register in order to vote. Winning elections means in part making
your potential voters register.

2. There is no way out of this. During the At Large elections of 2002 we
saw campaigns to register for the elections in Asia and the German
language area in Europe, which resulted in an unbalanced electorate.
Outcries against this are no help. Go get your own voters in, I would
say. Protests etc. are only legitimate if there is fraud, e.g. people
registering several times with different names/email addresses.

Those who read Slashdot _are_ interested. They do not have to read the
bylaws of ICANN in order to vote. Most voters in my country have never
read the Constitution, and do not even know much about what is in it. I do
see that it is a good idea to inform people that one tries to get into
registering into the issues. Politicians do that too. Naturally from their
own perspective. If you have a different perspective from Jamie Love, tell
that on Slashdot too?

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