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Re: [ga] GA vote: status

william@wxsoft.info (Thu 05/16/02 at 07:41 PM -0700):

> Why should they vote when the vote itself is illegitimate and outside
> the scope of the GA.

it would be really refreshing if you'd stop posing as arbiter 
of what is or isn't within the scope of the GA. first of all,
there seems to be no clear consensus within the GA about this
point. and second, the GA is itself a component of an organi-
zation that has demonstrated its inability to respect its own
scope. if the GA oversteps its bounds on a single occasion as
as way to prevent ICANN from running amok, then that's a good
thing. and please, spare us the blabla about how a single in-
stance is the harbinger of mayhem, because it isn't necessar-
ily so. it could be; if that turns out to be the case, you'll
have ample opportunity to denounce that in the future.

> Voting gives it legitimacy that it does not have.
> Especially given how the chair dodged addressing the issue of the
> legitimacy of the vote.
> It's a disgrace.

in the realm of ICANN, there are many other disgraces that are
much more significant. you might want to consider whether your
time and energy is spent denouncing this one.

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