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Re: [ga] Individual Stakeholders Constituency

fausett@lextext.com (Fri 05/17/02 at 11:10 AM -0700):

> This is a good idea. I would support this.

mirabile dictu, i would too, except that:

> > Take the current GA apparatus (mailing list, voting registry, etc) and
> > clone it.  Name it the "individual stakeholders constituency" (ISC), and
> > seed it with the "membership" of the GA.  Give it 6 months to a year to
> > come up with a charter approved by ICANN, and give it 3 votes on the

this is necessary, but we know what would happen: Certain People known
for provocation and disruption would bedevil discussion, ICANN's staff 
would kibbitz it by imposing arbitrarily high criteria (impossibly ex-
pensive authentication etc), and, once the deadline is past, the whole
thing will have been proclaimed a failure.

change 'approved by ICANN' to 'approved by the SOs' or maybe even 'ap-
proved by the NC,' and the result might be different.

> > Names Council when (if) that charter gets approved, and that the
> > constituency dues can be paid.  

we'd need some scope on what dues are expected to cover.

> >                                Let the DNSO secretariate support it,
> > at least for the time being.

gong. let ICANN staff commit an amount in excess of the $450K they so
happily committed to 'studying' the ALM.

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