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Re: Membership criteria - was [ga] NC BS

gro@direct.ca (Fri 05/17/02 at 07:01 PM -0700):

> >There has been, in my experience, at least one obvious attempt in prior
> >elections to "stuff the ballot", (or, as a friend put it "engage in an
> >exceptionally vigorous grass roots registration campaign").  In that
> >case the result wasn't affected by the attempt; the watchdogs decided it
> >wasn't worth invalidating the election over.
> You cannot imagine how chilling it is to learn
> that you are in a position to decide whether my
> vote constitutes the equivalent of hanging chad. -g

keep in mind that kent's experience also involves the AL registration
software (used to throttle new regs because staff wouldn't be able to 
handle participation) and the gateway between ICANN's AL database and 
election.com (which broke early on and then in the final hours of the 
'selection'). damn shame election.com never released that white paper
about the ICANN 'selection' they promised... 

and you don't need to take my word for how great that experience was--
you can ask the carter center, which initially gave the 'selection' a
thumbs-up then later -- MUCH later -- released the substantive analys-
is with the same kind of fanfare you'd expect from a spy doing a dead 

but really, the idea that outreach/input promoted by motion #1 should
be spoken of in the same context as (alleged) ballot-stuffing is ludi-
crous. (btw, where's crocker when you need him? these unsubstantiated
allegations should be enough to tie his thunderbags in a knot complex
enough to stop string-theorists dead in their tracks.)

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