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[ga] RE: [WLS Conference Call]

I greatly appreciate your participation in Tuesday's call regarding the WLS.

In reading through the discussion from yesterday, the chair notes the following:
Very useful contributions were made, but it is difficult to find the "gems" in them.
The Task Force needs to focus in on specific areas of concern in order to fulfill its tasks.

Some suggestions which might further assist include comments which specifically address:

1) interests which are harmed [please try to be specific about the category of user or provider and how 
they are harmed
2) changes suggested in existing proposal to "fix it" related to the "harm" you identify... 
3) what isn't/who's interests aren't heard yet... related to 'harm',etc.
[registrants would seem to fit in here/your comments welcome on this area and other?]
4) IMPORTANT AREA:  issues related to deletion of names 

-[one participant mentioned that there 
were repeated requests for technical fixes that have not been responded to, etc.]
-I heard several related issues:
	A)"add storms": are there technical solutions to this issue?
	B)Are there technical issues requested by registrars which haven't been addressed? 
-other issues related to deleted names, such as impact on registrants or other entities	
5)Solutions for those issues in 4 above:
-Thomas and at least one other participant suggested some key changes needed : uniform deletion policies
-)Redemption, plus uniform/standard deletion policy may serve some users needs?
-Issues related to "hoarding" and how to address this... Others indicated some agreement. More input is needed on 
these areas.
-Other suggestions?

6)Other points mentioned:Concerns were raised about 
-harm to existing providers of competitive services
-conflicts related to preferential treatment status of SnapNames
-advantages to larger registrars with new service
-registrant issues, but not fully explored. If you have
comments on this area, that would be helpful. If you can be specific about the kind
of harm, that would be even more useful.

Your participation and input is appreciated by the Task Force.

We will prepare a status report on this review which will be presented to the Names Council at its next meeting. Several have noted that time is very short for a comprehensive review of issues and possible solutions that is requested and that there is no mechanism identified to take broad input from a wide group of registrants. 

Regards, Marilyn Cade

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