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Jeff Williams FAQ (Rev. 05/02) (was Re: [ga] NC BS -Selective Censorship Raises it's ugly head again!

On 5/16/02 at 12:08 PM -0700, Jeff Williams wrote the following :

>Gary and all assembly members,
>  The problem is that Bob Davis does exist and is an entity.  He is one
>of our directors.  Hence he is being Selectively Censored.  As such
>the DNSO GA at present, and for some time now, have systematically
>denied participation of some stakeholders or has ought to do away
>with some stakeholders illegitimately...

Bob Davis does not exist.

Jeff has created a fantasy world, where he is a fictitious
billionaire, in the form of an INEG 'Role Playing Game'. He uses
various mail lists, ga@dnso.org among them, as suppliers of other
unsuspecting players :-). Jeff also posts from other accounts with
various personas, Bob Davis being one. There is a list of these
personas which is at the bottom of the FAQ below.

Correspondents with Jeff are simply unwittingly (or wittingly in the
odd case) playing Jeff's game.

To aid newcomers to come up to speed quickly and knowledgeably about
Jeff I have prepared a FAQ, the latest revision of which is below.



p.s., I was pleased by the arrival of archive.org recently. An
entertaining page, of a net.kook analyzing a net.loon became again
available. If you read any of the URLs below, I do recommend Bob
Allisat's comments on Jeff at


 Jeff Williams' FAQ. (02/05)


1. Who is Jeff Williams?

Jeffrey A. Williams, <jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com>, has claimed in postings
to various lists:

-- to be the Chief Executive Officer and the Co-Founder of the 4.8
billion dollar privately held employee owned INEG. INC

-- to be the Director of Internet Network Engineering and Senior
Java/CORBA Engineer for the Information Network Engineering Group, INEG

-- to be an ex-IBM Fellow,

-- to have to have graduated from UTD and to have a law degree from SMU
Law School

-- to have three degrees, MBA, Masters in Computer Science and
Engineering, and Law

-- to have served as a judge for 7 years

-- to be a member of the IETF

-- to serve on several medium sized business boards and on the boards
of several banks

-- to be the author of two books and is working on a third

-- to own 3 ISPs, including Frisco net, Deltanet and Wiltel, with 1.6
million users

-- to own 8% of eBay

-- to have been a fighter pilot with USMC, flying missions in Chile and
for the DEA, as a reserve pilot in the USMC, stationed out of Grand
Prairie air station just south of Dallas

-- to have been acting squadron commander of the Marine combat F4
squadron VMF214 (Black Sheep) at Tan Son Nhut during the Viet Nam war

-- to have spent several years in NIS (Naval Investigative Service)

-- Graduate of Naval Staff & War College

-- Retired Colonel, United States Marine Corps


-- Jeff's 'INEG. INC' does not exist except as a fantasy in Jeff
Williams' mind.

-- Jeff changed the name of the company in his .sig, in Jan 1998, from
'Information Eng. Group' to Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.,
when the real Information Engineering Group
<http://www.ieg-america.com/>, became aware of Jeff's use of their name.

-- SMU Law School Registrar's office, (214) 768-2618, disclaims all
knowledge of Jeff.

Jeffrey A. Williams is a fake and an imposter.


2. Is there other material available on Jeff Williams?

http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/05347.html -- a
posting regarding Jeff's non-relationship with IEG. He changed the name
of his 'company' on his .sig from IEG to INEG shortly afterwards.

http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/05398.html -- a
posting by Frederic Wilf regarding Jeff's claim to have attended SMU.

http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/05525.html -- a
posting by Kent Crispin commenting on Jeff's claims.

http://www.gtld-mou.org/gtld-discuss/mail-archive/08000.html -- a list
of Jeff's claims to 1998 by Alex Kamantauskas.

an account of Bob Allisat's hour long phone call with Jeff and
subsequent events.

an account of Ellen Rony's attempt to attend  Jeff's INEG Dallas

http://www.fichtner.net/outlook/1999-01.html -- a German reporter's
article on Jeff... written in German, use
http://babelfish.altavista.com/ if you don't read German.

Note, Jeff has also posted under the following personas and email
addresses;  David "Dude" Jenson <Dnsipv6@aol.com>, Bob Davis
<bob.davis@netzero.net>, James Touton <jim.touton@netzero.net>,
 Brian C. Hollingsworth <Bholling@ix.netcom.com>, and
Dillon Marshall Esq <DillonM0081@aol.com>

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