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Re: [ga] The Real World

On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 08:01:52PM +0900, Adam PEAKE wrote:
> During the ALSC study we were told that: 
> "VeriSign Registrar estimates that over 75% of its customers are
> individuals or small or medium enterprises with less than ten employees.
> [Verified in email from VeriSign, Inc. to the ALSC on September 26,
> 2001]" <http://www.atlargestudy.org/final_report.shtml>

That statistic does not contradict my point at all.  Indeed, it is
well-known that the very large majority of businesses have less than 10
employees (or are individuals), whether or not they have domain names. 
In fact, the statistic you quote could easily be be developed as
evidence to support my conclusion -- if the distribution of enterprise 
sizes associated with domain name registrants is similar to the the 
distribution of enterprises in general you are probably dealing with 
the same population: enterprises.

> Information presented to show that taking domain name owners as the "At
> Large" did not create an electorate of corporate reps.

*That* argument was flawed in a number of ways....  but it at least, in
contrast to the NAIS recommendations, it made *some* concessions to
reality.  ;-)

> Statistics, gotta love 'em,

Recall that I was refuting the claim that business use of domain names
is a small portion of the total.  That claim is absurd on its face -- no
detailed stastics are needed, and I wasn't making a stastical argument,
I was making an appeal to common sense.


Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
Technical Support Manager, ICANN            lonesome."
crispin@icann.org,kent@songbird.com                    -- Mark Twain

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