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[ga] Transfer Task Force issues

Thursday, May 30, 2002, 10:25:36 AM, Ross Wm. Rader wrote:

>> When, if ever, do you expect to have recommendations ready?  When
>> will there be a public comment period provided?

> I can only speak as an individual member, but I expected both months ago. It
> has been very difficult moving the process forward based on the varying
> degrees of participation of the TF members.

It is time that this Task Force got its collective act together.

This has gone on too long.  And every week that it continues, more
registrants are suffering from the abusive practices of predatory
registrars like Verisign and Register.com, who apparently have decided
that they have the right to start blocking transfers in advance of
their expiration dates now as well.

Verisign's cs reps are giving conflicting reports, stating the policy
is 45,40, or 30 days before expiration, but they are confirming that
the company now has a policy to block outgoing transfers at least 30
days in advance of the expiration date.  They know that many people
wait until the last month to transfer their domains out (something I
have always advised registrants against doing, transfer them much
sooner than that, get them out of their now) to avoid paying a
renewing fee unnecessarily in advance of when they feel they have to.
And they are taking advantage of that mindset now to start screwing
these people, so they can force them to give them a $29 extortion fee.

And of course, there is no recourse for these registrants.  ICANN has
no authority, and the Registry, who has the authority, is the same

And I am getting so far unconfirmed reports that Register.com is also
beginning to engage in this practice.

I don't know who is to blame specifically for the Task Force dragging
its feet, but it is time for this Task Force to get a sense of urgency
on this issue.  EVERY DAY that this Task Force does not present a
solution, they are allowing more and more registrants to be harmed by
predatory registrars doing whatever they can get away with to prevent
outbound transfers from succeeding.

I will be taking action myself, which I will probably announce Friday,
to begin applying pressure to this Task Force and to ICANN and
Verisign over this issue.  I'm fed up, it has taken WAY too long for
you to get to this point, and you still have NOTHING substantive to
show for it.  There is no solution on the horizon.  The Registrants
who are being harmed by this need a voice, so its about time someone
gave it to them.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
Save Internet Radio!  
CARP will kill Webcasting!

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