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Re: [ga] Comments on ICANN Reform Recommendations

Title: Help
The Thoughts of Kent Crispin (and the ICANN politburo):
"absolutely no obligation... to involve the public in its management or in any of its decision-making processes."
" public representation is absolutely not necessary for ICANN "
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Says it all doesn't it? 

Unfortunately ICANN is not administering a local sewage company or private business : it's responsible for the proper administration of vital internet functions and policies, and as such MUST be accountable to the millions of people worldwide for whom the internet primarily exists. To exclude this vast majority constituency from effective representation is risible.
ICANN must be accountable to "the public" and to ordinary internet users all over the world.
Kent's assertions are anti-democratic and in conflict with ICANN's original mandate.
Richard Henderson

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