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[ga] Trashing Our Founding Principles

The Palace Coup d'Etat Committee has presented us with a plan that 
permanently disenfranchises the at-large membership, eliminates all 
elections, and creates a self-perpetuating regime accountable to no one.  We 
will now "evolve" from a democratic representative model to control by an 
oligarchy of technocrats.  

This is not evolution, it is the repudiation of our founding principles.  
This ICANN Board has forfeited our trust.

I call on all those that support the at-large initiative to set aside 
whatever mundane tasks that currently occupy their time, and to immediately 
draft a letter to the Department of Commerce to call for a return to the 
founding agreements of 1998.  We should settle for nothing less than ICANN as 
a true membership organization with the membership electing their own 
leadership and Board.

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