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[ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] Trashing Our Founding Principles

I agree with Danny Younger that, whereas originally ordinary internet users
were to be properly represented in the administration of the DNS, this vast
worldwide constituency is now to be disenfranchised, and a worldwide
is to be put in the hands of a group of people who have already shown
themselves to be remote and unaccountable. (As an example of this, I have
been waiting 22 days for an acknowledgement of my questions on
agreements, which I have sent to Dan Halloran, and which I have now been
asking in various forms for nine months.)

A self-perpetuating regime is exactly what may be achieved, if alternative
viewpoints are effectively filtered out by a Nominating Committe "stacked"
favour of the ICANN establishment. Moreover, it was a founding principle of
ICANN that the millions upon millions of ordinary users would get effective
representation in the organisation.

The anti-democratic trend in proposed reforms is so pervasive that the
DNSO/GA replacement is not even to be allowed to choose its own Chair, but
must accept a Chair "imposed" upon it. This is symptomatic of a "top-down"
management agenda, designed to control critical elements.

Like Danny Younger, I call on all At Large movements to write to DoC to call
a return to the founding principles. As British representative for
I am in the process of submitting a review of ICANN for the British
(in liaison with Joanna Lane). We also need to represent the British At
community in correspondence with the American Department of Commerce.

ICANN needs to acknowledge that ordinary internet users in their millions
a right to "bottom-up" representation, organised through existing and
At Large groups, with effective and executive representation on the ICANN
Fundamentally, people have a right to determine their own lives and their
own futures,
and in Internet terms, this means a right to determine for themselves the
way the
Internet is administered, advanced to others, and developed. The Internet
belongs to
millions of people (including our constituency of millions of users here in
It should not be administered like some petty fiefdom by a small group of
people who are fearful and scornful of public and accountable

Thank you Danny, and we'll be writing.

Richard Henderson
IcannatLarge (UK)

"The Internet belongs to Everyone"   "It's YOUR Internet"

----- Original Message -----
From: <DannyYounger@cs.com>
To: <ga@dnso.org>
Cc: <atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de>; <discuss@icann-ncc.org>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: [atlarge-discuss] Trashing Our Founding Principles

> The Palace Coup d'Etat Committee has presented us with a plan that
> permanently disenfranchises the at-large membership, eliminates all
> elections, and creates a self-perpetuating regime accountable to no one.
> will now "evolve" from a democratic representative model to control by an
> oligarchy of technocrats.
> This is not evolution, it is the repudiation of our founding principles.
> This ICANN Board has forfeited our trust.
> I call on all those that support the at-large initiative to set aside
> whatever mundane tasks that currently occupy their time, and to
> draft a letter to the Department of Commerce to call for a return to the
> founding agreements of 1998.  We should settle for nothing less than ICANN
> a true membership organization with the membership electing their own
> leadership and Board.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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