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[ga] .NAME bidding for .ORG (.org is being redelegated. You should haveyour say (fwd))

From the message below, and the whois detail of the sender domain, I
gather that GNR, which runs .NAME, is going to bid for ORG.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 19:37:17 +0100
From: .org domain survey <reply@orgbid.org>
To: domains@schneiders.org
Subject: .org is being redelegated. You should have your say

Dear .org domain owner,

We are writing to you as the owner of the domain name 

You may be aware that ICANN has announced that it intends to reallocate
the operation of the .org domain space to a new registry later this
year. Please help us to understand how services can be improved by
taking just a couple of minutes to answer the following ten questions
and sending a reply to this mail (just click REPLY, and fill in the 10
boxes below)

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements:

(Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly
agree, and place your answers between the square brackets indicated)

1. I believe .org domains are mostly for non-commercial organisations
    [ ]

2. I would like to see the .org registry promote a stronger vision
for common good
    [ ]

3. The .org community should be in favour of good causes
    [ ]

4. I support the idea to create a charitable fund to specifically
support worthy causes within the .org community
    [ ]

5. It is a good idea to allow people with .org domains to decide
themselves which good causes money should go to
    [ ]

6. I would like to be able to vote for which good causes receive money
from a .org fund
    [ ]

7. I would like to be able to apply for money for good causes from
a .org charitable fund
    [ ]

8. (Please answer all boxes) I would be prepared to pay up to
(see alternatives below) more for my .org registration if the money
went to good causes within the .org community
    [ ] 4.99 USD
    [ ] 2.99 USD
    [ ] 0.99 USD

9. It would be better if commercial organisations (.coms) used their
.org domain to demonstrate how they benefit the community (rather than
just for brand protection)
    [ ]

10. I would like  to see commercial organisations sponsor more local
community projects
    [ ]

To help us categorise your answers could you tell us which one the
following applies best to your .org sites (please place an X in one box)
[ ]   Community site
[ ]   Religious site
[ ]   Art and culture site
[ ]   Science/health site
[ ]   Issues/political
[ ]   Code development/computing/technology site
[ ]   Charity/good cause site
[ ]   Commercial site
[ ]   Other site

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Hakon Haugnes
OrgBid.org - Wishing to make .org even better

Privacy Statement: We'll only use this personal information to better
understand your needs and interest and provide you with better service. We
will not sell, rent or lease your personally identifiable information to

Unsubscribe statement: This survey has been sent to you because you are
listed as the owner of a .org domain name in the .org Whois service. This is
a one time email and you are not on a mailing list.  You can however reply
to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field to indicate your
unhappiness with us (but we hope you will not find it unpalatable that we
seek your opinion on how the top-level domain .org should be run), in which
case we will manually read your email and make sure you don't receive
anything from us in the future.

This message was passed to you via the ga-full@dnso.org list.
Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
("unsubscribe ga-full" in the body of the message).
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