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Re: [ga] .NAME bidding for .ORG (.org is being redelegated. You should have your say (fwd))

Boy that's what i call slanted questioning.

> Dear .org domain owner,
> We are writing to you as the owner of the domain name
> You may be aware that ICANN has announced that it intends to reallocate
> the operation of the .org domain space to a new registry later this
> year. Please help us to understand how services can be improved by
> taking just a couple of minutes to answer the following ten questions
> and sending a reply to this mail (just click REPLY, and fill in the 10
> boxes below)
> Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements:
> (Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly
> agree, and place your answers between the square brackets indicated)
> 1. I believe .org domains are mostly for non-commercial organisations
>     [ ]
> 2. I would like to see the .org registry promote a stronger vision
> for common good
>     [ ]
> 3. The .org community should be in favour of good causes
>     [ ]
> 4. I support the idea to create a charitable fund to specifically
> support worthy causes within the .org community
>     [ ]
> 5. It is a good idea to allow people with .org domains to decide
> themselves which good causes money should go to
>     [ ]
> 6. I would like to be able to vote for which good causes receive money
> from a .org fund
>     [ ]
> 7. I would like to be able to apply for money for good causes from
> a .org charitable fund
>     [ ]
> 8. (Please answer all boxes) I would be prepared to pay up to
> (see alternatives below) more for my .org registration if the money
> went to good causes within the .org community
>     [ ] 4.99 USD
>     [ ] 2.99 USD
>     [ ] 0.99 USD
> 9. It would be better if commercial organisations (.coms) used their
> .org domain to demonstrate how they benefit the community (rather than
> just for brand protection)
>     [ ]
> 10. I would like  to see commercial organisations sponsor more local
> community projects
>     [ ]
> To help us categorise your answers could you tell us which one the
> following applies best to your .org sites (please place an X in one box)
> [ ]   Community site
> [ ]   Religious site
> [ ]   Art and culture site
> [ ]   Science/health site
> [ ]   Issues/political
> [ ]   Code development/computing/technology site
> [ ]   Charity/good cause site
> [ ]   Commercial site
> [ ]   Other site
> Thank you for your help.
> Best regards,
> Hakon Haugnes
> OrgBid.org - Wishing to make .org even better
> Privacy Statement: We'll only use this personal information to better
> understand your needs and interest and provide you with better service. We
> will not sell, rent or lease your personally identifiable information to
> others.
> Unsubscribe statement: This survey has been sent to you because you are
> listed as the owner of a .org domain name in the .org Whois service. This
> a one time email and you are not on a mailing list.  You can however reply
> to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field to indicate your
> unhappiness with us (but we hope you will not find it unpalatable that we
> seek your opinion on how the top-level domain .org should be run), in
> case we will manually read your email and make sure you don't receive
> anything from us in the future.
> --
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> Send mail to majordomo@dnso.org to unsubscribe
> ("unsubscribe ga" in the body of the message).
> Archives at http://www.dnso.org/archives.html
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