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Re: [ga] South African .za ccTLD administrator takes drastic action to prevent government takeover

At 08:00 AM 6/14/2002 -0700, William X Walsh wrote:

>The delegate should be applauded for taking the necessary steps to
>prevent the nationalization of the ccTLD zone file without a proper
>and informed process in place.

Thanks for the explanation but the news report makes it appear there are 
only two parties affected, the ccTLD administrator and the South 
African  government. Where does the South African Internet community fit 
into all this, what has been their stand so far, pro or anti 
nationalization? The ccTLD administrator after all is supposed to be a 
trustee working on behalf of the community . That element seems to have 
been missing from news coverage of the issue. Has there been any one 
posting from South Africa about this?

jim ayson / jim@philmusic.com / www.philmusic.com

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