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[ga] South Africa

I know a great many of you like to avoid important issues because they
make you feel bad or you think talking directly about them is ill
mannered/ so for those of you immediately delete this is for culturally
mature audiences only.

I have now done enough research to make the following observation which
is troublesome;

South Africa's problems with their ccTLD stem from the old regime and
it's slow transition.
Show me one Internet oriented technical school that has operated over 5
years that includes allowing the representative majority being
students.  There is not one.  Suppressing education is ill advised.
However I believe that you could find some very technical people working
in the Internet field that
have obtained their education elsewhere and have the ability if asked to
run a ccTLD.  And love their country of South Africa.

We all must remember that the Internet exists as a tool for society.
Mr. Lawry appears to believe it works for the good of itself.

Racial differences should be embraced and appreciated.  When we stop
learning we start dying, when we stop teaching we are the pollution and
not the solution. Here is a problem that can be fixed if we throw some
money and wisdom at the problem.

Here in my country we have an astonishing racial/digital divide which is
shameful, and our DoC has chosen not to throw money ( which they have)
or wisdom which is doubtful. In my working country, Vietnam, we are
crushing any digital divide with hard work and dedication to the
people.  We are "stomping out the grapes of wrath" by acknowledging them
and changing for the better; but first we must acknowledge them and that
takes great courage and leadership.  Hooray to developing countries who
are trying, and whoa to those who are not.


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