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Re: [ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [nc-transfer] Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] WLSproposal


--- "L. Gallegos" <jandl@jandl.com> wrote:
> The whois is a dangerous mechanism for those who wish to abuse, and
> there 
> are many who do abuse it - enough to scare me, as I was the one
> stalked 

I'd expressed my thoughts on this topic a couple of months ago, see:


I don't think privacy rights should be absolute -- costs and benefits
should be weighed. However there's a reasonable compromise, in terms of
having a legal representative of the domain listed.

> The whois may be necessary for the registry to maintain, but it does
> not 
> have to be published.  If there is abuse, the technical contact can
> be 
> reached.  Email can be forwarded via privacy measures to registrants

If the technical contact is held legally responsible for the domain's
usage, that's comparable to my own proposal. As long as someone can be
reached, to hold one accountable for the domain. Either via redefining
an existing contact's role, or creating a new contact, i.e. the "Legal

By the way, I was thinking about the WHOIS issue, and might it be of
interest to have a field in the database designating the official
language(s) for communications to that entity?? English is the defacto
language it seems, but it might be useful when thinking about the
future. If one is sending an abuse report to a technical contact/legal
contact of a domain, and they don't understand English, one would want
to know that in advance, via a WHOIS, to be able to communicate with

So, for instance, the contact record could read for a typical contact:

Homer J. Simpson (homer@fox.com)
742 Evergreen Terrace
Springfield, Any State
USA 99999
555-555-3223, Fax: xxx-555-3226
Language(s) of Correspondence: English, French, Swahili, D'oh!


George Kirikos

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