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Re: [ga] Re: [atlarge-discuss] Re: [nc-transfer] Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] WLSproposal

I think that is a great idea, George.

Tuesday, June 18, 2002, 9:32:19 PM, George Kirikos <gkirikos@yahoo.com> wrote:
GK> Hello,

GK> --- "L. Gallegos" <jandl@jandl.com> wrote:
>> The whois is a dangerous mechanism for those who wish to abuse, and
>> there 
>> are many who do abuse it - enough to scare me, as I was the one
>> stalked 

GK> I'd expressed my thoughts on this topic a couple of months ago, see:

GK> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc10/msg00399.html

GK> I don't think privacy rights should be absolute -- costs and benefits
GK> should be weighed. However there's a reasonable compromise, in terms of
GK> having a legal representative of the domain listed.

>> The whois may be necessary for the registry to maintain, but it does
>> not 
>> have to be published.  If there is abuse, the technical contact can
>> be 
>> reached.  Email can be forwarded via privacy measures to registrants

GK> If the technical contact is held legally responsible for the domain's
GK> usage, that's comparable to my own proposal. As long as someone can be
GK> reached, to hold one accountable for the domain. Either via redefining
GK> an existing contact's role, or creating a new contact, i.e. the "Legal
GK> Contact".

GK> By the way, I was thinking about the WHOIS issue, and might it be of
GK> interest to have a field in the database designating the official
GK> language(s) for communications to that entity?? English is the defacto
GK> language it seems, but it might be useful when thinking about the
GK> future. If one is sending an abuse report to a technical contact/legal
GK> contact of a domain, and they don't understand English, one would want
GK> to know that in advance, via a WHOIS, to be able to communicate with
GK> them.

GK> So, for instance, the contact record could read for a typical contact:

GK> Homer J. Simpson (homer@fox.com)
GK> 742 Evergreen Terrace
GK> Springfield, Any State
GK> USA 99999
GK> 555-555-3223, Fax: xxx-555-3226
GK> Language(s) of Correspondence: English, French, Swahili, D'oh!

GK> Sincerely,

GK> George Kirikos
GK> http://www.kirikos.com/

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