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Re: [ga] WLS

The WLS proposal will create monopoly control of the source of supply
and dramatically increase the unit cost.

Instead of consumers having a choice between Fords, Chevrolets and
Plymouths, they'll only be able to buy Volkswagen's at the former
price of a Cadillac.

Competition vs. a monopoly.  Fixed pricing vs. a fluid, competitive
and free market.  Market discriminators and innovation vs. take it or
leave it.  No consumer choice.

What, exactly, do you find difficult to comprehend?

Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 7:30:08 AM, Joe Sims <jsims@JonesDay.com> wrote:
JS> George Kirikos wrote:


JS> "The official position of the DNSO Registrars
JS> community, and the position of many other market participants suggest
JS> that WLS will have a devastating impact by creating a new monopoly
JS> service for Verisign, to the detriment of consumers and registrars."



JS> I have been following the discussions on this subject, and must confess that I still am confused about exactly what this (and the many other similar statements that have appeared from others)
JS> really mean.  Could someone explain to me precisely how the WLS would harm consumers and/or registrars?  I understand, I think, the point that this would be a new service that provides revenue
JS> for VeriSign (assuming, of course, that someone actually buys it), and I understand that having more revenue will give VeriSign more resources, and more resources will give it more financial
JS> ammunition with which to compete with its competitors, including other registrars.  And I understand that, because this reservation service (and only this service, given the fact that there is
JS> only one .com registry) will be able to offer more certainty than other competing reservation services, it may have a competitive advantage over those competing products, which some people think
JS> is unfair.  But I get the impression that at least some people believe that there is more to the competitive concern than these point?  If that is right, could someone lay it out for me simply
JS> and clearly, so that even I can understand it?  Thanks.

JS> Joe Sims
JS> Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
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  • References:
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>

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