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Re: [ga] WLS

I understand part of your consternation here but I am finding it difficult to
believe you have not formed opinions.  Innovation should clearly be at all levels.
Monopolies should clearly be at no level.  ICANN/Verisign is wrong and you know it.

WLS is clearly wrong in that it emanates at the monopolistic level rather than the
relatively level playing field of registrars, thereby promoting (one would hope)
competition.  Or leaving it alone and allowing the even more level field of the
ISPs to handle getting names.
We must not give more to a monopoly.  We must take more away in order for human
nature and capitalistic concerns to run the roost.  The US Government runs Verisign
through an agreement that allows only them to run the dotCOM - you want to give
them more power?

Bret Fausett wrote:

> Joe Sims wrote:
> > But I get the impression that at least some people believe that there is more
> > to the competitive concern than these point?  If that is right, could someone
> > lay it out for me simply and clearly, so that even I can understand it?
> > Thanks.
> At present, registrars offer a variety of different services to allow their
> customers the opportunity to register a domain name. These services, some of
> which have been offered for a very long time, would be usurped by the WLS at
> the registry level. Yes, the registrars would be allowed to offer WLS to
> their customers, but some of the registrars would prefer to continue
> offering their own, unique solutions.
> Personally, I think the WLS offers a superior service for the vast majority
> of end users, as only a registry-level service can takes the gamesmanship
> out of the expiring domain grab. But the fact that some registrars, and
> their customers, were occupying this space before Verisign complicates the
> analysis.
> This is a hard question. Where do you encourage innovation, at the
> registry-level or the registrar-level, and/or how do you strike the balance
> between rewarding registry innovation and registrar innovation? Snapnames
> would say that I framed the question wrong; Verisign should be allowed to
> offer new services subject only to a narrow review:
> http://www.politechbot.com/p-03669.html
> The competitive concern that you're hearing though is that some services now
> offered at the registrar-level would no longer be possible if the WLS were
> implemented.
>     -- Bret
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