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Re: [ga] WLS

eric@hi-tek.com wrote:
> I understand part of your consternation here but I am finding it difficult to
> believe you have not formed opinions.  Innovation should clearly be at all
> levels. Monopolies should clearly be at no level.

I *have* formed an opinion on what works best for consumers. In my mind,
there's no question that WLS is a superior service because it makes expiring
domain names broadly available to regular consumers and reduces uncertainty.
(I've followed the arguments closely over the last few months, and I haven't
seen any compelling argument to convince me otherwise.)

I haven't formed an opinion on whether the benefits of a uniform WL service
are so great that they trump the legitimate business interests of registrars
in offering competing WL services. For example, few would argue that
assignment of unique names has to occur at the registry-level in order to
prevent name conflicts. The benefit of unique name assignments trumps the
ability of registrars to register whatever names customers request. I don't
think the benefits of WLS are as great as the benefits of unique name
assignments, but are they great enough to justify the service? I don't know.
That's the hard question.

     -- Bret


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