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[ga] Showing your support for .org is hard to do.

Sponsors with no link to show support
  .org Foundation
  The Global Name Registry, Limited
  The .Org Foundation
  Organic Names Ltd.
  Register ORGanization, Inc.
  SWITCH Swiss Academic and Research Network

Sponsors With Links to show support

  ISC/IMS  http://not.invisible.net/signals/bin/000034.shtml
  ISOC     http://www.isoc.org/dotorg/
  Unity    http://www.unityregistry.org/form.asp

Full Proposals

  IMS/ISC http://trusted.resource.org
  NeuStar http://www.neustar.biz/services/dot_org/

  its hard to believe that 9 of 11 organizations bidding for a resource to
  be managed as a public trust don't trust us enough to let us read their

Proposals [summary only]

  Union of International Associations ( VeriSign )

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