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RE: [ga] WLS

Hmmmm...I so very rarely find the need to respond to much of anything that goes on here; the arguments on all things domain name are so circular; but my "this smells fishy" meter just hit a new high this morning with this current post from Joe Sims.

If I believed the post was a sincere desire to obtain information, my response would be something along the lines of:

"Simply and clearly, consumers will end up paying $35 minimum with WLS for something they can currently get for free at some competing registrars (a shot at an expiring domain name)."

However, what I'm really feeling is this:

"Please, everyone, don't bother to respond to Mr. Sims.  The decision to approve WLS for a one-year trial in Bucharest has already been made.  The writing on the wall couldn't be more clear."

Best regards,


jeff field
952-848-7627 fax
jfield@aaaq.com <mailto:jfield@aaaq.com>

-----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Joe Sims
> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 7:30 AM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Cc: mcade@att.com; gkirikos@yahoo.com
> Subject: [ga] WLS
>> George Kirikos wrote:
> >
>> "The official position of the DNSO Registrars
>> community, and the position of many other market participants suggest
>> that WLS will have a devastating impact by creating a new monopoly
>> service for Verisign, to the detriment of consumers and registrars."
> I have been following the discussions on this subject, and must 
> confess that
> I still am confused about exactly what this (and the many other similar
> statements that have appeared from others) really mean.  Could someone
> explain to me precisely how the WLS would harm consumers and/or 
> registrars?
> I understand, I think, the point that this would be a new service that
> provides revenue for VeriSign (assuming, of course, that someone actually
> buys it), and I understand that having more revenue will give 
> VeriSign more
> resources, and more resources will give it more financial ammunition with
> which to compete with its competitors, including other registrars.  And I
> understand that, because this reservation service (and only this service,
> given the fact that there is only one .com registry) will be able to offer
> more certainty than other competing reservation services, it may have a
> competitive advantage over those competing products, which some 
> people think
> is unfair.  But I get the impression that at least some people 
> believe that
> there is more to the competitive concern than these point?  If that is
> right, could someone lay it out for me simply and clearly, so that even I
> can understand it?  Thanks.
> Joe Sims
> Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
> 51 Louisiana Avenue NW
> Washington, D.C. 20001
> Direct Phone:  1.202.879.3863
> Direct Fax:  1.202.626.1747
> Mobile Phone:  1.703.629.3963
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  • References:
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>

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