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Re: [ga] WLS

hi Joe,

I noticed you asked a question earlier today. Not sure if anyone has
given you an answer yet.  

As far as I understand it, the claim is the WLS service would pre-empt
the existing services offered for people to 'get' names as they expire. 
This is the industry that would presumably suffer.
As for competition and consumer detriment, I have to admit I was never
one of the people claiming that Verisgn (then Network Solutions) had to
be divested of its monopoly. However I have to admit to day that the
splitting of registrar/registry functions has resulted in competition
and lower prices.  So now I wonder if granting a monopoly will not
result in the risk of net higher cost to consumer for the service of
reserving about-to-expire domains?

Just my thoughts. Im neither a regisrtry nor a registrar.

Joe Sims wrote:
> George Kirikos wrote:
> "The official position of the DNSO Registrars
> community, and the position of many other market participants suggest
> that WLS will have a devastating impact by creating a new monopoly
> service for Verisign, to the detriment of consumers and registrars."
> I have been following the discussions on this subject, and must
> confess that I still am confused about exactly what this (and the many
> other similar statements that have appeared from others) really mean.
> Could someone explain to me precisely how the WLS would harm consumers
> and/or registrars?  I understand, I think, the point that this would
> be a new service that provides revenue for VeriSign (assuming, of
> course, that someone actually buys it), and I understand that having
> more revenue will give VeriSign more resources, and more resources
> will give it more financial ammunition with which to compete with its
> competitors, including other registrars.  And I understand that,
> because this reservation service (and only this service, given the
> fact that there is only one .com registry) will be able to offer more
> certainty than other competing reservation services, it may have a
> competitive advantage over those competing products, which some people
> think is unfair.  But I get the impression that at least some people
> believe that there is more to the competitive concern than these
> point?  If that is right, could someone lay it out for me simply and
> clearly, so that even I can understand it?  Thanks.
> Joe Sims
> Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
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Dan Steinberg

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  • References:
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>

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