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[ga] Whois/wls

Have our lives become so murky that we do not see data bases ruling our
thought process?
Do those of us on these lists have an obligation to users - whoever they
may be?
Perhaps not.  But if that is the case let us recognize it.

We have just altered our data base, alpha-to-beta and soon to be live,
to exclude personal info and include a name and an email address and
nothing more.  But we require a domain name to go live quickly.  I have
fought hard and in good conscience cannot allow more than that whether
for expiry or registration purposes.

In the parlance of good farmers, WLS is an extra milking game, and cows
have only so much milk.  But the whois gives the utter away.  We are
ready to grow up, let us do it in good fashion.
dotCOM is a mess and maybe should be allowed to die a respectable death
in favor of ccTLDs, and inclusives.


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