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Re: [ga] WLS

On 23:57 20/06/02, Joe Sims said:
>Thanks to Ross Rader, Bret Fausett, Jamie Love, Elisabeth Porteneuve, John
>Berryhill, Gary Osbourne, Thomas Roessler and Chuck Gomes

did you not get my mail?

You only rose the question about a competitive advantage among registrars. 
You got your responses.
Now, was this narrow field question because you are only interested in 
competition among registrars, because you think you covered all the other 
issues, because you think it only affects that field (or because I 
misunderstood you)?

I must say that I am first personally concerned as an IPC Member and as a 
TM holder.

  • References:
    • [ga] WLS
      • From: "Joe Sims" <jsims@JonesDay.com>

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