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[ga] DNSO GA meeting in Bucharest, 26 June 2002, agenda

[ To: ga@dnso.org, announce@dnso.org ]
[ To: council@dnso.org ]
[ To: liaison7c@dnso.org ]

[ cf. http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20020626.GAbucharest-agenda.html ]


             DNSO General Assembly meeting in Bucharest, Romania

                           Wednesday, 26 June 2002

ICANN's meeting schedule and agenda

GA meeting (8:00-11:00 Bucharest time = UTC+3)

        * 8:00 Opening and introduction

        * 8:15 Update from the Whois Task Force
             o NC Whois Task Force
        * 8:30 Update from the Transfers Task Force
             o Status report by TF Chair
             o NC Domain transfers Task Force
        * 8:45 Session 1: User participation models
             o Bernard Turcotte (CIRA President and CEO)
             o Maureen Cubberley (Chair of the CIRA Board)
             o Vittorio Bertola (former ExCom member of the Nic.IT
               Naming Authority)
             o Questions by remote participants: session1@svensson.de

               CIRA Board Election FAQ
               Naming Authority Italiana

        * 9:45 Session 2: Update on ICANN At Large
             o Panellists: At Large Organizing Committee and
               icannatlarge.com members
             o Questions by remote participants: session2@svensson.de

               At Large Organizing Clearinghouse
               At Large Organizing Committee (members)
               Icannatlarge.com Steering Group
               atlarge-discuss Mailing List
               Board resolution on ALSC Report and At Large
               Board discussion about At Large (Accra)

               NAIS Statement on At Large implementation (February
               ALSC Working Draft Implementation Report (February
               ALSC Decision tree for implementation (February
               ALSC Draft election guidelines (February 2002)
               ALSC Summary of Solicitation Responses (February

        * 10:45 GA Public Forum / other topics (15 minutes)
        * 11:00 End of the GA session

     Please contact GA Alternate Chair Alexander Svensson if you have
     any questions or comments.


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