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Re: [ga] WLS


> > > > Please provide a meaningful distinction between a "speculator"
> and a
> > > > "consumer".

Is Proctor and Gamble a 'speculator?? See:


Beautiful.com for $3 million, hmmm. It's a domain name with no active
website, either. 

How about Verisign, owner/registrar/registry of elite dot-cc and dot-bz
names??!!?? ;)


If someone wants to propose a new policy, that domain names can't be
transferred/sold to third parties, but must be returned to the registry
if not used by the registrant, in order to eliminate abusive
speculation, please do so, and see how much support it garners. This
might turn out to be one proposal that Verisign and I would be on the
same side of! ;) (although, I'm not anti-Verisign; I feel they should
hang on to dot-org, which is probably not a popular position amongst
the true anti-Verisign people)


George Kirikos

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