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RE: [ga] WLS

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Kent
> Crispin
> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 10:39 AM
> To: ga@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [ga] WLS
> As to whether making the distinction between "investor" and "consumer"
> is important:
> Speculators are an important component of many markets, because they
> make the market more efficient.  Many people feel that justification is
> not present in the case of domain names, and that speculators add nothing
> to the market but more middlemen.  That is generally considered a bad
> thing in any market, and many people would like to minmize it.  Hence
> an argument that a proposal will reduce the amount of speculation has
> weight with many people.  (I don't know if Chuck Gomes was making that
> argument or not.)
> Kent

Yes, but I don't believe anyone has made the argument that WLS in any way
reduces speculation.  In any case, I don't believe reducing speculation in
domain names is within the scope of ICANN's duties just because "many people
would like to minimize it".  Speculation reducing, and whether or not there
is a need to do it, is unrelated to technical coordination in any way shape
or form.

Best regards,


jeff field
952-848-7627 fax
jfield@aaaq.com <mailto:jfield@aaaq.com>

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