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RE: [ga] WLS

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, at 14:20 [=GMT-0700], Mason Cole wrote:

> Here's a brief set of corrections to be sure everyone has the dispassionate
> facts:
> The distinction is not speculators versus "normal" consumers; as many have
> correctly pointed out, this distinction doesn't get you very far. Rather,
> the problem we're addressing is service of a *few* customers -- whoever they
> may be -- and exclusion of the majority of customers. Speculators are among
> our best customers; we have no desire to see them disadvantaged. What we do
> want to see is the system being more transparent to unsophisticated users,
> one in which evidence of use by *all types* of customers is readily
> available.
> There is no evidence that any non-speculator customer -- IP owner,
> corporation, etc. -- uses any of the "competing" services referred to.
> Whether they are capable of being found or not (mostly not, and when found,
> confusing and sometimes very expensive), there is no question that consumers
> are simply not finding them. There is no evidence to the contrary, though it
> has been requested for months.

Well, how will they find WLS then?

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  • Follow-Ups:
    • RE: [ga] WLS
      • From: "John Berryhill" <john@johnberryhill.com>
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