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RE: [ga] WLS

> Well, how will they find WLS then?

Verisign will send "renewal notices".

To everyone.

For every domain name.

And this leads to another little interesting side effect of WLS.  As some
may recall, there is a reason why NSI registry is a "thin registry", and the
registrars are responsible for whois data...  I will leave the rest as an
exercise for the reader, but just consider where the WLS customer data will
be going.

This stuff is just too funny.

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  • Follow-Ups:
    • RE: [ga] WLS
      • From: Marc Schneiders <marc@fuchsia.bijt.net>
  • References:
    • RE: [ga] WLS
      • From: Marc Schneiders <marc@fuchsia.bijt.net>

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