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Re: [ga] Blueprint to purge the critics

I only know about fifteen people on this list fairly well through
and face to face and telephone.
Kristy, Jeff, Joop, Danny, Roeland, Joanna, Jefsey, Sotiris, Joe, Jim,
YJ, (I can include some that don't like me at all) etc. etc. And every
one of them
supervises very important matters.  Unlike most I really am only
concerned with
developing LICs. Jefsy's point rings quite true as does Roberto's whom I
have only
chatted with briefly in Melbourne, with Patrick.

I don't really think it matters what role is placed on our great GA.  We
debate the issues and we will reach consensus if possible on all matters
majority of us think are correct.  If "they" kill this list we will go
and do the same.

In short this is one of the greatest groups of intellectuals and caring
individuals from the broadest grouping of global citizenry ever
assembled.  It
will carry on.  It will thrive.
I personally thank you all from the bottom of my heart for
participating. As I
have oft inclined our power is in our truth and that may not be denied.


PS check out this weird little link


"J-F C. (Jefsey) Morfin" wrote:

> On 18:48 21/06/02, Roberto Gaetano said:
> >>Furthermore, in
> >>order to ensure that there is no "undue disruption", the "GNSO GA shall only
> >>support *moderated* electronic discussion lists and forums".
> >
> >Kids in kindergarten need adult supervision, adults debating need not.
> >It is up to us to show to which category we belong
> IMHO only kids in kindegarten accept adult supervision and debates under
> adult control, adults do not. I am afraid that while the ERC first document
> could have been promizing, the blueprint is the ICANN slow suicide. Anyway
> the GNSO GA is of no real interest, CCSO local GA are.
> jfc
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