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Re: [ga] "The blueprint": New Reform Committee paper posted

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 08:46:31AM -0700, William X Walsh wrote:
> Friday, June 21, 2002, 8:42:06 AM, Kent Crispin wrote:
> > It's worth noting that this is precisely the role of the GA that is
> > intended in the current bylaws. 
> Rewriting history again, Kent?

Nope.  The model for the GA was the "irish proposal", which in turn was
based on the IETF, and I marked it well, because it wasn't my preferred
outcome -- my preferred outcome was the "at-large" constituency.

Note that "the IETF" as a whole doesn't exist as a formal organization,
and, except for perhaps an occasional straw poll at the plenary
meetings, never votes on anything.  This was the intended role of the

Note that the IETF is a singularly effective body.  Perhaps that is
because, unlike the GA, it does not have the "internet governance"
disease, and in fact fights it off vigorously whenever a localized
infection occurs. 

Kent Crispin, Technical Systems Manager, ICANN            crispin@icann.org
"Be good, and you will be lonesome."  -- Mark Twain       kent@songbird.com

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