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Re: [ga] "The blueprint": New Reform Committee paper posted

This is pure crap.

There is nothing wrong with the GA.  It elects fine leaders.  It reaches
consensus.  It gives advisory opinions.  It produces fine members to TFs and
WGs.  It deals with tough cross/professional issues.  It helps in the
evaluation of Internet issues.  In fact it advises governments in a manner
undoable by most.  It is the most transparent policy evaluation group in
existence. It has members from over a hundred countries.

Suggesting decreasing of the DNSO GA in order to cure ICANN's ills is like
taking out your heart and brain to save your rectum  (Well maybe that does not
work for Kent in that I have yet to see evidence of a heart or a brain from him
- but a whole lot of rectum)


Kent Crispin wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 08:46:31AM -0700, William X Walsh wrote:
> > Friday, June 21, 2002, 8:42:06 AM, Kent Crispin wrote:
> >
> > > It's worth noting that this is precisely the role of the GA that is
> > > intended in the current bylaws.
> >
> > Rewriting history again, Kent?
> Nope.  The model for the GA was the "irish proposal", which in turn was
> based on the IETF, and I marked it well, because it wasn't my preferred
> outcome -- my preferred outcome was the "at-large" constituency.
> Note that "the IETF" as a whole doesn't exist as a formal organization,
> and, except for perhaps an occasional straw poll at the plenary
> meetings, never votes on anything.  This was the intended role of the
> GA.
> Note that the IETF is a singularly effective body.  Perhaps that is
> because, unlike the GA, it does not have the "internet governance"
> disease, and in fact fights it off vigorously whenever a localized
> infection occurs.
> --
> Kent Crispin, Technical Systems Manager, ICANN            crispin@icann.org
> "Be good, and you will be lonesome."  -- Mark Twain       kent@songbird.com
> --
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