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Re: [ga] WLS

Ellen Rony wrote:

> <clippage>
> If one really wanted to get rid of speculators, then outlaw resale of
> domain names altogether  Some countries do this, but that dog won't hunt in
> the U.S.

Should that dog hunt?

> The speculator/consumer distinction wrt WLS is a red-herring.  What I
> believe is driving WLS is the larger effort to find new ways to extract
> income from the simple task of entering a domain record into the root zone.
> It's not about speculating, hoarding, supply-demand, consumer costs or
> subscriber convenience.  At the end of the day, a WLS subscription has more
> than doubled the income VeriSign derives from a desirable domain name.

As long as we keep making progress toward monopolistic divestiture, albeit
seemingly small, this would seem to be a normal and proper thing.  Does this really
have an impact on the little gal?  If a domain name is meant to be personal rather
than commercial should not it be in a ccTLD?


> -Ellen Rony


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