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[ga] .org price breaks

Anyone else been reading .org proposals? I've got a question for you
folks regarding price and supporting causes in respect to proposals to run
the .org registry.

If all the proposals proport to support some internet or not-for-profit in
exchange for running the registry and that certain funds will be donated
to the not-for-profit is it not in the interest of supporting the
not-for-profit that prices be kept at or near the $6 whole sale price for
a .org.

It seems most of the organizations waving a flag for the .org bid have a
non-profit which gets donations of revenue. As the registry drops its
price the non-profit gets less of a benefit, and the price difference
translates into a better gross margin for the registrar.

Since most registrars do not price near the wholesale price a 15% drop in
wholesale price would not encourage registrars to drop their list price by
15% or an equal dollar value.

So this is what I don't get, why are most of the .org proposals offering a
$4.95 price which effectively reduces the contribution to the NGO that
is supposed to be the beneficiary of the whole operation.

I just don't get it -- could anyone explain, or did I totally miss the



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