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Re: [ga] .org price breaks

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002, at 11:02 [=GMT-0700], Rick Wesson wrote:

> It seems most of the organizations waving a flag for the .org bid have a
> non-profit which gets donations of revenue. As the registry drops its
> price the non-profit gets less of a benefit, and the price difference
> translates into a better gross margin for the registrar.

This depends also on how efficient the registry works. You seem to assume
that they are all equal in this respect. It could be (but doesn't have to
be), that those with lower fees, have a less top heavy management, e.g.

> Since most registrars do not price near the wholesale price a 15% drop in
> wholesale price would not encourage registrars to drop their list price by
> 15% or an equal dollar value.

This is a second issue. Since there are over 100 registrars, I don't see
why some would not drop their price for competitive purposes.

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