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Re: [ga] "Moderating" the GA list.

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 5:11:18 PM, Kent Crispin <kent@songbird.com> wrote:
KC> On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 12:52:38PM -0500, Don Brown wrote:
>> Wilber :-)
>> I think you actually supported what I said.
>> Rules made by the members of the list are fine. Most all lists have
>> them.

KC> It is simply not true that most lists have rules made by the members --
KC> almost always, rules for mailing lists are made by the list owners, and,
KC> ultimately, the owners of the hardware that runs the list.  This is
KC> because the list owners have a legal responsibility for what happens on
KC> the list, and, unlike the list members, they can be tracked down and
KC> held accountable.

Let me re-phase it for clarity: Rules made by the members of THIS list
are fine. Most all lists have RULES.

This is a list of an organization, as opposed to a list for the
benefit of a vendor's software, etc.  I think it is significantly

As for liability and being held accountable, I don't see how anyone
could be realistically damaged.  It takes proving both liability and
damages to prevail.

KC> [...]

>> Let me put it another way and I don't mean this to be disparaging to
>> anyone - it's just an example of what I mean: If the Republican party
>> controlled what was printed in all the newspapers, at their sole
>> discretion, it is rather doubtful that a democrat would ever be
>> elected.

KC> Flawed analogy.

KC> You postulate that the republicrats control all the newspapers.  This
KC> doesn't happen in real life, and there is simply no reasonable scenario
KC> by which all mailing lists can be controlled; people are free to start
KC> their own mailing lists, and indeed there are already multiple lists
KC> totally outside of ICANN that discuss the same things that the GA list
KC> does, and there is significant overlap in membership.

A little dramatic and overly broad, perhaps, but it was the best
example I could come up with at the time, and the point made is not
flawed. Moreover, control of the media has happened in "real life,"
and it certainly could happen on a much smaller scale, such as this
list, if an individual or select group can control, at their sole
discretion, what gets posted.

True, I recognize that there are other lists and everyone can choose
to use them instead. However, I wasn't talking about those other
lists. I was talking about THIS list or more descriptively the list
intended for use by THIS Organization.


Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
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