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[ga] right of GA to elect chair and

I just talked with Jonathan Cohen about the role of the GA in the Blueprint 
document.  I asked him to support a change that would allow the GA to elect 
its own chair, and to vote on motions.  I said that the reform proposals 
including the Blueprint document would be wbidely read as anti-free speech, 
and also quite petty, since the GA has no real power, elects no one to the 
names council or the board, and only has the ability to provide a voice to 
people who have no real power.   He said, have people on the GA tell the 
board if this is important to them.   He said it was not the case that the 
ICANN board was trying to punish the GA for voting for a resolution that was 
critical of the ICANN board.  His email address is :

Jonathan Cohen <jcohen@shapirocohen.com>


James Love, Consumer Project on Technology
http://www.cptech.org, mailto:love@cptech.org
voice: 1.202.387.8030; mobile 1.202.361.3040

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