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Re: [ga] right of GA to elect chair and

Wednesday, June 26, 2002, 10:42:19 AM, James Love wrote:

> I just talked with Jonathan Cohen about the role of the GA in the Blueprint 
> document.  I asked him to support a change that would allow the GA to elect 
> its own chair, and to vote on motions.  I said that the reform proposals 
> including the Blueprint document would be wbidely read as anti-free speech, 
> and also quite petty, since the GA has no real power, elects no one to the 
> names council or the board, and only has the ability to provide a voice to 
> people who have no real power.   He said, have people on the GA tell the 
> board if this is important to them.   He said it was not the case that the 
> ICANN board was trying to punish the GA for voting for a resolution that was 
> critical of the ICANN board.  His email address is :

The GA has never really had a right to elect its chair, simply to
nominate one, that the Names Council has been kind enough to rubber
stamp, and to be honest, that has at least once led to a bad chair
being selected.

I'm not opposed to this, but I think instead (and you would probably
have better luck getting this approved of anyway) any change should
keep the status quo, with the GA having the ability to nominate, and
the Names Council to actually select or oversee the selection of the

As for voting on motions, I tend to agree with Thomas on this.  I
think any change allowing that should come with the strict caveat that

Anything else opens it up for the abuse we have already seen occur.

And btw, of course they won't say they are punishing the GA for voting
on that motion, that's not the politically correct way of answering
the question, but you think the subject of that vote hasn't been a
part of the discussions, you are simply being naive.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
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