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Re: [ga] WLS: Dotster posts the definitive arguments against it, and more

On 11 Jul 2002, at 14:47, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:

> It's called OPPRESSION Leah, otherwise known as ramming 
> unpopular/unsavoury things down people's throats without care for the LONG
> TERM effects.  Sooner or later, repressive activities lead to incalculably
> devastating reprisals, otherwise know as uprisings or revolutions.  The
> First Estate of the ancien regime in 18th century France didn't understand
> how their abusive rulership could affect their stability and security
> either. That is, until the guillotines were set up in the marketplaces of
> Paris.  Stop sounding like Marie Antoinette, Leah.

I don't know where you got that, Sotiris.  I did not say anything similar 
to "Let them eat cake."  What I said was I don't see how it effects the 
stability of the internet, which would continue with or without .com.  
Would be there be an upheaval, sure.  Would the net become unstable, 

Again, I am 100% against the WLS because that would hurt existing 
businesses and consumers.  But opression?  Isn't that normally used to 
describe governments and leaders?  Verisign is neither, but controls the 
largest TLD.  Therefore, it is in a position to rape the consumer, given its 
present popularity.  How long would that popularity last under what you 
call this "oppression"?.  You are correct about revolution, but not in the 
bloody sense.  The consumer, registrars and public would be up in arms 
in a figurative sense and speak with their dollars.  

Verisign is trying to go for the money to save themselves from a stock 
price fall and declining revnues due to the boom in domain names 
ending, the loss of renewals due to transfers, etc.  Consermers have left 
their high prices and poor service.  Their desparation may just hurt them 
more than finding a way to entice consumers back into their fold.  
Registrants have left them in huge numbers for registrars that treat them 
better and provide more reasonable pricing.  Verisign has used dirty 
tricks to get them back.  Are consumers so stupid as to continue to 
purchase a product from a company that is out to gauge them at every 
turn and use deceptive practices to boot?  Just how long do you think it 
can last?  

That being said, please tell me how WLS will effect the stability and 
security of the internet?  That is a technical issue.  How is the registry 
operation of a service going to effect it?  WLS is not going to technically 
effect the stability of the internet, the DNS or the security of the system.
 It's a business issue.


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