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Re: [ga] WLS: Dotster posts the definitive arguments against it, and more

Hi Leah,

--- "L. Gallegos" <jandl@jandl.com> wrote:
> That being said, please tell me how WLS will effect the stability and
> security of the internet?  That is a technical issue.  How is the
> registry 
> operation of a service going to effect it?  WLS is not going to
> technically 
> effect the stability of the internet, the DNS or the security of the
> system.
>  It's a business issue.

You answered the question yourself, but perhaps didn't realize it. :)
Stability and security are much more than simply "technical issues".
Issues of trust and acceptance are also involved. For example, we use
US Dollars as currency because it is trusted that others will continue
to accept them as payment, and are happy to store those in banks. If a
monetary system like that loses its trust (e.g. due to hyperinflation,
printing of money, etc.), folks will abandon that currency, even though
"technically", the paper and coins that the currency is printed on
haven't changed. Remember Verisign's motto -- "The Value of Trust" --
it's all about trust.


George Kirikos

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