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Re: [ga] ICANN Meetups

On 08:12 16/07/02, Gary Osbourne said:

>At 10:30 AM 15/07/02 +0200, Alexander Svensson wrote:
>>Face-to-face ICANN meetings with people in your vicinity.
>>Not organized by anyone, just facilitated by Meetup.com
>>I'm sure it makes a difference whether you attend
>>the one in San Jose (with Denise Michel), in
>>San Francisco (where Esther Dyson might turn up)
>That wouldn't be surprising. She has to keep an eye
>on things. For those who don't get out to ICANNWatch
>much I've been less than kind to Esther and by
>extension, MEETUP, here:
>and the followup here:
>Why meetup personally? Just remotely watching Esther
>using the ICANN community and especially the atlarge
>as a convenient spamharvester is close enough to make
>one feel suddenly unclean. -g

we are in real world. This meetup thing is a real worldwide need I work on 
too for years. Yet it is still too "American" to fly in other countries. I 
think that if the @large may help there it is a good barter. The risk for 
Esther is that we copy it from experience ...

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