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[ga] 66 Days of Trying to Get ICANN to respond to fair issues

Title: Help
66 days ago I mailed Dan Halloran to express my concerns and questions about the "exclusive" queues in .biz2B which threatened to be repeated at .info LR2 raised, as well as raising other concerns and questions.
I sent Dan Halloran my detailed concerns by e-mail on May 12th 2002.
A copy of the letter to Dan Halloran was posted at: http://icannwatch.com/article.php?sid=735
I notified GA of these concerns on 12th May : http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga-full/Arc10/msg01653.html
I notified GA again of these concerns on 26th May as follows:
and again, the next day
raised again on 29th May
I posted a careful comment, worth reading, which was also sent direct to Dan Halloran:
Further comments on Dan Halloran's silence on 29th June (also e-mailed direct to him)
A further polite request for answers, also CC'd directly to Dan Halloran, 7th July:
This was (as an example) the May 26th post:
"TWO WEEKS ago I sent a personal message to ICANN's Dan Halloran, requesting that he answer the detail of 14 specific questions, which covered matters of sincere concern.
I also posted the 14 questions at ICANNWatch (see link: http://icannwatch.com/article.php?sid=735 ) and on public mailing-lists.
Dan Halloran has not even acknowledged receipt of my mail.
Is this the openness and responsiveness we should expect from an organisation which serves the whole world?
I believe that ICANN does not want to answer awkward questions and is therefore consciously evading them.
I will continue to publicly request Dan Halloran to reply. As some of the issues have implications for the imminent .info LR2, I take the view that it is irresponsible and inexcusable of ICANN to ignore a serious and reasoned letter like this.
I welcome any supporting (or alternative) views. Unlike ICANN, I'm not afraid of dialogue.
Richard Henderson"
The same day (26 May) Vint Cerf replied: http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga-full/Arc10/msg02479.html
stating he did not have specific answers to my questions.
the correct response should have been that he would find someone who could obtain the answers, or aspects of them.
I have further appendices which I'm happy to forward to interested parties on request: 
I've an Appendix (A) which is a copy of the e-mail I sent Dan Halloran on 12th May
I've an Appendix (B) which is a copy of the e-mail I sent Dan Halloran on 26th May (copied to Vint Cerf)
I've an Appendix (C) which is a copy of the e-mail I received from Vint Cerf on 3rd April, after I had initially flagged up the exclusive queues problem on Bondi, Xin Net Corp etc.
I've an Appendix (D) which is a copy of the e-mail I received from Vint Cerf on 4th April after I pressed him further, and he said it sounded like "self-dealing"
I've an Appendix (E) which is a copy of the e-mail I received from Vint Cerf on 15th April after I pressed him still further. He said he'd try to find out answers
I've an Appendix (F) which is a copy of the e-mail I sent to Dan Halloran and posted at GA on 29th May
I've an Appendix (G) which is a copy of the mail sent to Dan Halloran on 29th June continuing to ask for a response, and also posted at GA
I've an Appendix (H) which is a copy of a further mail to Dan Halloran, now 57 days after initial mail, also posted at GA, and with LR2 now imminent... it's almost too late to do anything...
It is now 66 days, and Dan Halloran STILL hasn't even had the courtesy to acknowledge my mail. Is this openness? Is this dialogue? Is this acceptable for an organisation entrusted with running a world resource? My questions raise fair concerns. My questions are serious and not flippant. I have patiently asked, again and again, for a response.
Now .info LR2 has come and gone, and exactly the same "exclusive" lists have gamed the system asthey did in.biz2B, as I warned Dan Halloran. He did nothing. He didn't answer. I'm extremely disappointed.
As you can see, I've tried, but ICANN just didn't want to answer.
Richard Henderson

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