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RE: [ga-rules] Making Yourself Understood

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: owner-ga-rules@dnso.org On Behalf Of Patrick Corliss
|> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 4:19 PM
|> To: [ga-rules]
|> Subject: [ga-rules] Making Yourself Understood

|> > I contend it is up to those who do not understand the technical,
|> > or social references to research and form their own conclusions on
|> > matters.
|> Sure.  You can contend that.  I'd like to read the hundreds of postings
|> I see each day without treating each one as a research task. If the
|> expects that level of commitment from all readers, I'd say he or she
will be
|> disappointed.  Most subscribers don't read half of what's posted anyway.

You, as I, most likely limit our research to the items that are of
importance and interest to us.  Those that are minor in the scheme of
things are often ignored.

I don't bother more than glancing at some posts to the GA from members who
I earlier decided had a confusing style of writing and were not posting
items that were informative or interesting to me.

If a member has something important to say, and it is in fact important,
I'm sure it will be couched in terms that if confusing will inspire the
interest to investigate.  That is how I personally handle such matters.

Personally I do not have a very good command of any language, I am not
fluent in any language although I can make myself understood in English.
Where others post to mailing lists or email me with languages other than
English, I make a point of attempting to get a rough idea of what is being
communicated, if it is of interest I will follow up and resolve any
confusions.  With documentation, it is slightly different and if we were
discussing the working documents produced by the GA I would say that
including glossaries and couching the document in very clear simple
language is a necessity and totally agree with you.  Any communication must
take into account the audience it is intended for.

The point being, there currently isn't any common ground in language and we
should not attempt to force a unrealistic solution on the GA.

I am all in favour of providing FAQ's and other information on the website
to assist.  I would also suggest some translater references/URI's.
Development of such a facility is worthwhile and helpful.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

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