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Re: Re: [ga] nTLD going gTLD


Bill Semich wrote:
>This excerpt (see below) about ISO-3166 codes on the DIN Website could 
>one to inappropriately believe that only national governments are the
>source of the ISO-3166 list, which is the basis for the current ccTLD
>two-letter domain names. In fact, the UN is itself the primary source 
>the ISO-3166 list, not the DIN, and many of the codes in the UN list 
>not affiliated with national governments, nor are they ever likely to 
>affiliated with national governments. 

I agree that the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency does not make its decisions
 based on requests of the individual coutries, but based on 
recommendations of the United Nations.
However, it is hard to believe that the United Nations Statistical 
Division will create a new entry without consultation of its Member 
States, and specifically of the Member State(s) directly involved.

While it is abstractly conceivable that every time a new code is 
approved by ISO-3166MA it is auctioned for exploitation as a ccTLD, this
 procedure will create a lot of practical problems (who gets the money, 
how can we make sure that codes are not produced artificially for the 
commercial value, and so on).

Personally, I don't see any viable alternative other than to let the 
Government in charge to manage its allocation. Which, of course, may 
result in having different business models and different technical 
schemes for different countries: managed internally, subcontracted, with
 geographical SLDs, with/without specific restrictions, and so on. In 
fact, what we have currently.
