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[ga] [alsc-announce] Outreach Meeting on August 13 in Santa Clara, California, USA

Members, General Assembly

I believe it is important that all members are kept informed of what is
happening with the At-Large Study Committee.  I am subscribed to ALSC
ANNOUNCE and have received four emails in the last four months.  Some other
members will have done the same.

However, I am sure that most of the 300 members not have subscribed to this
announcement facility and will have missed these postings.  If so, they will
have missed out.  A similar situation arises with ICANN ANNOUNCE which I
have re-posted to [ga] on many occasions.

I attach a copy of the latest ALSC announcement for your information.  It
seems to me that it would be convenient to ask the DNSO Secretariat to
subscribe the [ga] list.  We would then get all mails automatically.  The
volume of both *announce* mailouts is very low.

Unless members of the [ga] list are strongly opposed to the idea, I propose
that we subscribe the [ga] list to these two "announce" lists.  That way we
can be sure of getting the posts.  It is also very useful for them to be
incorporated into the list archives.

I'd appreciate any comments members might have.

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

----- Original Message -----
From: <alsc-announce@atlargestudy.org>
To: ALSC Announcement List <alsc-announce@atlargestudy.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 5:27 AM
Subject: [alsc-announce] Outreach Meeting on August 13 in Santa Clara,
California, USA

Meeting notice: the At-Large Study Committee (ALSC) will hold an
Outreach Meeting in Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, California, USA,
address to be announced) on Monday, August 13 from 4:00 p.m.  - 8:00
p.m.  All interested individuals are welcome and encouraged to
participate.  If you are unable to attend, please send your
thoughts/questions to us in an email via our on-line forum at
<http://www.atlargestudy.org/forum.shtml> or send them to
<comments@atlargestudy.org>.  Next scheduled ALSC Outreach Meeting
will be on September 7 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

>>>You are receiving this message because you signed-up for the<<<
>>>ALSC "announce" list.<<<

The ALSC will soon be issuing initial statements/proposals for your
consideration and input.  These documents, and the future of ICANN and
how it should represent the global "user community," will be the focus
of the ALSC's August 13 meeting in Silicon Valley.  The meeting will
feature a panel discussion moderated by Dan Gillmor, Technology
Columnist, San Jose Mercury News, and will include all members of the

Additional information on the meeting will be emailed to you and will be
available soon on our website at <http://www.atlargestudy.org>.

All interested individuals are encouraged to participate in this
meeting.  If you are unable to be there in person, please send your
thoughts/questions to us in an email via our on-line forum at
<http://www.atlargestudy.org/forum.shtml> or send them to

Also, please note that the ALSC has scheduled an Outreach Meeting for
September 7 in Montevideo, Uruguay, prior to ICANN's Board meeting.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The At-Large Study Committee: Carl Bildt (Chair), Chuck Costello (Vice
Chair), Pierre Dandjinou, Esther Dyson, Olivier Iteanu, Ching-Yi Liu,
Thomas Niles, Oscar Robles, and Pindar Wong (Vice Chair).

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