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Re: [ga] Concerning the upcoming "rebid" vote

On 17:55 07/05/02, William X Walsh said:
>And if you support a rebid, you should join a coordinated effort to
>get that message out.  You should not let yourself be a party to Jamie
>Love's attempt to try and get a media victory over ICANN by
>embarrassing it with a vote like this in its own DNSO GA, and in so
>doing, rendering the GA permanently ineffective

It seems that I remember some St Paul's say about speaking the thruth at 
proper or wrong time, however you translate that in English.

Don't you see that you harm the ICANN in saying that: you are a seasoned 
ICANN communit member known to be sharp about wrongs. And you fear that the 
ICANN could punish the GA for telling what it thinks. That ICANN would 
survive through censorship. Any Congressman reading that with a proper IQ - 
and I suppose that fits the job - will see there a reason to ask about 
disbanding the gang asap.

The target is not to kill the ICANN. It is to stop it to harm the net and 
if possible to have it being of use. Lynn said: we cannot foot the bill, so 
we will not oot the bill. We say: hold on, what about changing the change 
the bill, so we can foot it.

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