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Re: [ga] Nuclear Threat from the ccTLDs

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, at 18:36 [=GMT-0000], Roberto Gaetano wrote:

> True, with an additional clause, that Plan B can work without risk for the
> stability of the Internet only if ICANN's "part" of the root will never have
> 2-chars codes (please note that at any point in time a new country can be
> created, and ISO will allocate a new 3166 code for it, hence a potentially
> new ccTLD).
> What I mean by this is that still there must be co-operation between ccTLDs
> and ICANN, or strict rules enforced (by whom?) on the entries in the A-root.

It will then be as with the spelling reforms of languages spread over
several countries, sometimes far apart. They either do not happen for it
is unclear who has the authority (English...), or take a very long time
(German IIRC).
If the root has a split authority, it won't easily change anymore. Some
people might not mind that.

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